Evil Player Races of FieryMud


Appearing to be emaciated, nasty-looking dwarves, the duergar's complexion and hair range from medium to dark gray. Their preferred drab clothing, designed to blend into their subterranean environment, and dull-colored jewelry completes the ensemble. Years of underground dwelling have left them somewhat hindered by the blinding rays of the sun, though unaffected by minimal or normal lighting.


Big, dumb, and ugly. These greedy humanoids commonly live by ambushes, raids, and theft or commonly found serving as mercenaries in the ranks of orcish parties and evil clerics. Ogres stand an average 9 to 10 feet tall and usually weigh around 300 to 350 pounds. Their dead yellow or dull blackish-brown skin (with darker colored warty bumps) and repelling odor, that of curdled milk, make them a gruesome-looking, if not fierce, opponent.


Aggressive, tribal carnivores, Orcs live by the belief that expansion is the key to survival, ergo the many wars they rage against humans, elves, dwarves, and kin alike. Their appearance varies widely due to frequent crossbreeding with other species and captives. In general, they resemble primitive humans with gray-green skin covered by coarse hair with their stooped posture, low jutting forehead, and snout-like nose. They average about 5½ to 6 feet in size and often employ sniping and ambush tactics in combat. Stereotypically, it is rumored that orcs would rather appear vicious than victorious… dastardly creatures indeed!

Swamp Troll

Horrid carnivores, swamp trolls make their lairs around dense and murky bogwaters. However their frame appears thin and frail, they possess surprising strength in their long and ungainly arms. The troll's rubbery, moss green to putrid gray hide provides blends well with their natural habitat. Preying on all but the most powerful of creatures, swamp trolls know no fear and attack unceasingly with their sharp claws and jagged bite.


Sverfneblin, also known as deep gnomes, are the branch of the gnome race native to the Underdark, much as duergar are to dwarves. They spend their time almost exclusively in the rocky terrain of the Underdark, only leaving to cause mischief in the surface world. Their infernal nature makes them decidedly unpleasant, but gives them a strength of will and force of personality not often found among the evil races. Millenia of hiding in the Underdark has caused them to develop stone gray skin and pale, gaunt eyes. Their hair tends to be pure white but well cared for and neatly coiffed. Sverfneblin have a natural affinity for blending in with the rocks, giving them innate sneak capabilities among mountains, caves, and their native Underdark. Deep gnomes are well suited for shadows and spells where their diminutive size and burgeoning intellect are powerful assets. That same reduced stature however makes them poor fighters.

Unseelie Faerie

Unseelie faeries are the dark lights covering a haunted forest at twilight. They are the perpetually unseen eternally sensed horrors in the unknowable night. They make up the Unseelie Court, also known as the Winter Court, which draws inspiration from darkness and the macabre. They comport themselves with the most base instincts of beasts. Usually associated with malevolence, horror, and evil, it is often portrayed as a twisted mockery of all that mortals hold dear. In truth, they are as driven by beauty and aesthetics as much as any passionate artist. They will go to any length to uphold a bargain once struck, even if the terms are grossly unfair or deeply misleading. However their ties to the darkness make them incapable of being paladins or priests. All fey, especially the True Fey, think themselves logical and systematic. In truth they are as random and chaotic as the dreams they come from. Faeries are capricious and unpredictable at best, completely monstrous, alien, and rending to mortal sanity at worst. They are all capable of great acts of kindness and horrific acts of brutality. Unseelie faeries are very unsuited for traditional combat paths. Barely 6" tall in most cases, they're unable to use skills like BASH effectively and have severely limited carrying capacities which make wearing armor or wielding weapons difficult, if not out-right impossible. What they lack in strength though they make up for in sheer spellcasting power. Unseelie faeries can be the most terrifying necromancers, willing to do the things their Seelie brethren will not.