Newest to oldest ---
June 29, 2023
- New characters will have many new options during creation!
-- The help files for the playable races and base classes can be accessed during the
creation process!
-- Players now have the option of assigning their stats after rolling them!!
- You may see a new race floating around out there. It's not playable yet but some are
playtesting it.
- Many mobs previously lost their ability to fly. This has been corrected.
- Bugs and gremlins now carry correct coinage.
- Berserker Maul and Battle Howl levels have been swapped align with when their spirit chants
are unlocked.
- Fixed an issue so skills on cooldown now display how many seconds remain on their timers.
- To prep for upcoming content, druids now retain any object in the Hovering position when
they shapechange!
-- Items cannot be reworn while shapechanged, so don't take them off!
May 31, 2023
-- Clerics now get both Bless, and Dark Presence spells. -- if neutral, you can cast both, if
good, you can cast bless only, if evil, you can cast Dark Presence only.
-- Rangers get Haste at Circle 7.
-- Clerics now get Group Recall as a quest spell at Circle 10.
-- Many typos and error messages corrected.
April 09, 2023
-- The elemental wands have had their elements added to their name lists.
-- We're releasing a new kind of trigger which may impact the function of the bounty
hunt contracts, assignments, and notices. We don't anticipate any changes in behavior,
but keep your eyes peeled.
-- On a related but different note, we have not been able to identify why the Frakati Leader
sometimes fails to advance Berix's bounty hunt quest.
-- A new system for tracking your quest progress, a personalized journal, is available for
playtesting. All characters can get one for free from their guild masters. The journal
can be replaced at no cost as long as you don't currently have one in your inventory.
The information is unique to the character looking at it, so giving your journal to
another character will not share your information. WARNING: This system will have
bugs and visual inconsistencies. Please message Daedela via Discord or email
directly if/when you encounter any. Include screenshots if possible.
Mar 27, 2023
-- Using Faerie Step without a target will no longer crash the game.
-- The higher a character gets in level, the further casting time is reduced for lower
level spells when successfully quick chanting. The maximum reduction varies depending
on if the spell is a "combat" spell (damage, healing, debuff, or stone skin) or not.
Quick Chant also factors Intelligence and Wisdom into casting time.
-- A bug with displacement has been fixed so it will succeed far less often now.
-- A bug in rescue has been fixed.
-- Cartwheel will now correctly begin combat even if both the attacker and the target
are knocked down and no damage is dealt. Players may still want to issue a "stand"
command if they fall down.
-- Cartwheel's success rates have been significantly adjusted.
-- Rend will now remove armor spells first, then reduce base AC on a second use.
Armor spells now remove the Exposed effected on first use, then apply their effects
on the second use.
-- Hidden exits now only display the first key word when finding them.
-- Invisibility no longer displays the wear off message twice to the person becoming visible.
-- Attack triggers now activate even if the target evades the attack through its composition.
-- Bards no longer receive Heal and Harm.
-- Three new ranger spells!
1. Nimble: gives the ranger an additional attack with their off-hand weapon, much like
Haste does for the primary weapon. Stacks with Haste and Blur. Self only.
2. Displacement: confers a 20% chance to evade incoming attacks. Does not impact
spells. Self only.
3. Greater Displacement: confers a 33% chance to evade incoming attacks. Does not
impact spells. Does not stack with Displacement. Self only. Quest spell.
Mar 24, 2023
-- Most keys have had their load limits increased. Players holding onto keys won't prevent
other people from finding them nearly as often.
-- Two new adventuring guilds have opened business in the Grey Castle! One offers rewards
for hunting fantastical beasts. The other, for hunting dragons! Both have opportunities
for different classes to earn additional unique rewards.
Mar 04, 2023
-- The Assassin Guild is inundated with offers lately. They're offloading some of their
contracts to heroes for hire. Find Berix near the Assassin Guild Hall and talk with
him for details.
-- Assassins taking on contract jobs might find some room for promotion within the Guild
and some new rewards for doing so.
-- So much stuff has been dumped over the centuries, the town of Mielikki has expanded the
dump to include a junkyard. Betsy Boo the junker has taken up residence there, helping
adventurers find the scrap armor their guild masters might be looking for in exchange for
other kinds of scrap armor.
Feb 18, 2023
-- The displacement effect on displacer beasts has been scaled back significantly.
-- Tripup now properly displays as an innate for Halflings
-- Guard has been adjusted to account for certain kinds of mob behavior
-- Banish has been fixed
Feb 09, 2023
-- fixed a crash bug related to tripup
-- hopefully fixed issues with mudlet client update, you should have a shiny new mudlet client.
Feb 08, 2023
-- Cartwheel fixed
-- Clerics gained some extra MV
-- Fixed underlines on some messages
-- BIG UPDATE to Mudlet gui -- Let us know what you think. -- more updates coming soon.
-- Cure Blind can now be cast during combat
-- NEWS now reports oldest updates first -- so the newest events are last.
-- Phase armor drops have been reworked. Boss and mini boss mobs now drop a much wider
range of objects.
-- !Thief, !Priest, !Diabolist, and !Rogue have been redistributed. Priests and diabolists
will find they can no longer use most heavier armor. Rogues can now use chain and scalemail.
Feb 03, 2023
-- New class restrictions have been created for items. All classes now have their own unique
restriction. Class restrictions have not yet changed but some will in the immediate future.
-- Halflings have new racial abilities, including Increased hiding, perception, and a new
skill called "tripup".
-- Rogue and thief skills have been switched up a bit to make them more distinct and functional.
-- A new spell called Water Blast has been added for cryomancer, ranger, and druid.
-- players now gain a small amount of maximum movement from level 1 to 50 based on their Dex!
If you would like to claim your movement bonus, check with a god.
-- Since 1991, Fiery has held on to the max width of 80 characters wide. As of this news update,
(and what you are reading right now) we are testing a new width of 100 characters. We will
slowly be expanding this width to other areas of the game in the coming months.
IF anything looks off, please report.
--The Gods of Fiery--
Jan 25, 2023
--The roads west of Anlun Vale have begun to reopen!
The western coastal road through the Ulgran Pine Barrens is now
passable for travel again.
But be careful, in addition to the normal forest critters, some
dangerous swamp trolls have been spotted in the area.
Urchet Pass has been cleared as well. The roads beyond are still
under construction
--Beyond the Pine Barrens looms Nukreth Spire. A pack of gnolls claim
the spire as their home and have been launching raids throughout the
southern continent.
For further details, visit the player board.
Jan 19, 2023
-- Void times have been greatly increased. Should be 10 mins
to void, and 5 to disconnect now.
-- Several other minor bug fixes in this build, mainly display related
Jan 09, 2023
-- Added equipment all command (eq all)
-- New build, lot of bug fixes
smoke fixed
item update fixed
tons of back-end fixes
-- Please let us know if you see anything that don't look right
Dec 26, 2022
-- The Bloody Red Cross has begun providing services to assist
unfortunate adventurers who have met their untimely demise.
They operate out of the basement of Bigby's Magic Shop.
-- updates to the website, check it out, comments are appreciated.
race updates are also coming, just felt more important to get
the new updates live.
Dec 18, 2022
-- The Town of Mielikki has built a new City Hall. The Illusionist's
Guild has moved slightly to make room for it. The Mayor has taken
up residence in his swanky new office.
Good luck getting in to see him though...
Dec 17, 2022
--Santiago has come into possession of a mysterious new mace. Clerics
and priests might find it worthwhile to bring it to the Holy Templar
Magistrate in Mielikki.
-- New challenges have been added to the thief and assassin subclass
quests to make them a little spicier. But don't worry - if you fail
you can always try again.
Dec 11 2022
-- Several minor display bug fixes implemeted.
-- ** HUGE UPGRADE ** -- target matching. What this means is:
if there is an astronomically large demon in the room, and
you type kill ast -- it will attack that demon.
*BUT BE WARRNED* if there is also a astral guard in the room
as well, you will attack whichever is 'first in the room'
With great power, comes great responsibility!
Dec 06-2022
-- RTM is now done. You are back to living with death, and
no restore command. Appreciate your help with testing.
-- Fiery is running on fancy updated code now. New fancy
features comming soon!
Nov 22-2022
-- Be aware -- coming VERY SOON -- RTM (Ratical Test Mode)
We have a code version update to test. so RTM is-- we take a
backup of current MUD. We upload the new code, test for 48+
hours. When we're done, we restore, and everything goes back
to that point. So anything you ever wanted to try, but were
scared, that would be the time!!
NOTE:: You will see a RATICAL TEST MODE banner when you log in--
if you don't -- it's not in radical test mode yet!
Nov 10 2020
-- New elemental wand weapons are selling at the magic shops across
Ethilien. The wands kick off four 90-level game-wide upgrade
quests! The master crafters are a whole host of familiar faces.
These are similar to the armor quests given by guild masters and use
a variety of the armor gems and additional tasks and components.
Unlike the armor quests though, the wands themselves are the base
components for all future steps, so don't lose them!
Oct 14 2022
-- New build -- couple updates
-- You can now pick up items that are up to 15 levels above your current
level, but you still can't use them.
-- Slight increase in gem drop rates for armor quests.
-- Elf is now a playable class!!
Jan 30 2022
-- Fiery has been moved to a new server, DNS change should sync in less
than 2 hours, but on the odd case it don't just use
servername: www.fierymud.org -- instead of fierymud.org for today
Jan 16 2022
-- Monks -- I have good news and bad news.
-- GOOD -- the amount of XP monks need to level has been reduced!
-- BAD --- The bug that prevented the !monk tag from working has been
fixed, meaning LOTS of equipment is now !monk. Existing
equipment will keep the existing restrictions.
-- A few other classes also had XP amounts adjusted slightly.
Jan 11 2022
-- Charm person is now an in-game quest.
Some dedicate their whole lives to charming and entertaining others.
Some are even willing to share their knowledge with others - for a
price. Certain new secrets are available in entertaining houses
of ill-repute.
Jan 10 2022
-- It was brought up that the labels when rolling a character were
slightly ambiguous. As such, the labels have been updated slightly.
In-order: Fantastic, Very Good, Good, fair, bad are the new labels.
Very good replaces pretty good, and Good replaces Not bad.
You will notice these new labels in your score display as well.
Jan 04 2022
-- The Jewlers and Pawn brokers in the world of fiery have found a new
source for gems. There must be some congestion in the supply chain,
as the gems available vary greatly. Make sure you check often for
those phase armor gems.
Dec 28 2021
-- TWO new BIG in-game quests added
-- Not even the greatest masters of Necromancy can teach Shift Corpse.
But they probably have a pretty good idea where to start.
-- Strange creatures are assisting the forces of the undead. A determined
Necromancer may be able to learn some secrets about bolstering their
risen forces. Degeneration quest is now in-game!
Dec 24 2021
-- Talk to a god to get your christmas present,
if you havent already.
Dec 16 2021
-- the BIG changes mentioned below might take a bit longer
Dec 14 2021
--Big changes have come to Fiery.
--First, the tribes of Fiery Island have claimed new names.
Room names and descriptions have changed to affirm
their choices.
--Second, armor and weapon restrictions have been changed across the game!
This is a BIG change. More info can be found on
the temple bulletin board in Mielliki.
--Third, Seers far and wide know of the oracular talents of shamans.
Many come to the north to study with one in particular who is
capable of teaching that all-seeing divination spell, Wizard Eye
Dec 07 2021
-- Really need to update this more often.We have been working!
-- Ice-Shards, Flood, Wall of ice, and Waterform spells are
now in-game quests. Check the help entry for hints on where
to look for those quest-masters.
-- MASSIVE help-file update. Every area now has a help file entry
-- try help area_Ethiliel or help area_Doom for some good examples
Mar 19 2021
-- spells Supernova, Group Armor, Meteorswarm, Banish, and
word of Command have all been added as in-game quests!
Mar 18 2021
-- Pets have finally been updated!!
Pets will now rent with you.
They will breath heavy, to let you know they are tired.
You have a new toggle, that determines if pets assist.
Call command will bring your pet to you from anywhere.
-- There is a new type of item now available!
Some might call it 'a hover slot' but it's a new type of
equipment that will begin showing up soon. A good example would
be, a light that follows you, and hovers above your shoulder.
-- Basic windows telnet now works.
-- Pet stores now have offset colors, to make it easier to see. This
is a work in progress, and will eventually be added to all stores.
Mar 16 2021
-- A set of ancient ruins has been uncovered in South Caelia!
Witches from all across the world have flocked to them to
unlock their mysteries. If you're level 30-60, you should seek
them out!
-- The doctor is in! A new medical professional has been given a
post, offering to teach some advanced knowledge in
healing the masses. (group heal) if you're ready!
Mar 8 2021
-- there have been a lot of unmentioned fixes in the background,
including a new build for a bug-fix Feb-23
-- relocate quest has been updated several ways (and more)
-1 bug fixes for one of the returnd items
-2 status command should now work. If you can't remember where you
are in the quest, you can say status, and get an update.
-3 This status command is being added to every quest in the game!!
-4 As we are updating every quest in the game, we are updating and
simplifying where applipicable.
-5 We are adding new quests, as well to handle quests that can only be
done via IMM right now. think IceWall, Flood, etc. watch the news
to see when they are available for you to die trying them.
Nov 13 2020
-- Several area updates -- as follows:
* The Theatre:
--The Theatre should be a bit quieter now. Mob random chance speech
triggers reduced in frequency. They've also been talking elocution
lessons to speak more slowly so you can catch up to what they're saying.
--You'll no longer look like you're wearing the eyelashes of a dead
person. Catherine assures us (and the world) her lashes are fake.
Also, they can be called "lashes" now. And If you bring her the dressing
room key but not her lashes, she'll ask you for another favor.
--Charlemagne's sash is a little easier to identify from the pile of
other clothes that look just like it.
--The Fire Goddess is tired of waiting for Pippin. She's a bit more
explicit with her instructions.
---That is all for now
--Overall, did a passover to reduce Orientalist trends in the zone without
removing the obvious flavor of magic and furikake.
--Names of clothes from this island have been localized to their native
language and are much prettier to look at!
--A few rooms have been renamed and their descriptions updated to reflect
what they actually are in traditional arts.
--Removed references to the people on this island being "slant-eyed"
because it's 2020 and even in Caelia we don't need to be describing
people that way anymore.
--The Goddess has gone through immigration and has accepted a new name!
She will now be known as Kannon, Goddess of Mercy, though she
(and that wall) will still respond to her old name Kwan Yin.
June 08 2020
*New build, Welcome to 475
--a few fixes put in
--some new back-end functionality added to allow fancy new
things to happen without you ever knowing
--IF you find anything that don't look right, let us know (BUG command)
April 19 2020
*new build, a few fixes and a few features.
--Arrival and departure of players will now be announced
--Level gains will now be announced again -- YEEEHAW
--Miscellaneous fixes for display issues
Jan 03 2020
* new build, with some very specific new features.
--Fiery now has some specific integrations that work nicely with
Mudlet, Cmud, and Gmud clients, as well as other clients that
support GMCP protocol. Features include comm channels, (mudlet only)
health, and Movement bars also some mapping features that don't
work outside GMCP clients.
--will be some updated info on the website soon about how to load
and how basic setup of Mudlet.
--Mudlet can be downloaded at https://www.mudlet.org/download if you
want to test for yourself.
--IF you still use base telnet, or some client that don't support GCMP
you won't notice any difference.
Dec 06 2019
* Fresh build for everyone to play with. 4 main new features:
--You can now see && cast on hidden players in your group.
--Search will not reveal hidden players in your group.
--if you are hidden, and discovered by a search, you will see
who/what/when discovered you.
--Best for last -- IF the news has been updated since your last
login, you will now see the news banner.
Oct 30 2019
* For people that ignore the advice at the top of help area
'Fighting in towns and cities is usually a very bad idea'
may find it a bit more discouraged now.
Oct 14 2019
* The issue of Mobs tracking you to town should be resolved. Please
let me know if you see any other issues.
Oct 10 2019
*Character connection limits have been reinstated at 5 characters
per player. There are no limits on how many total characters
you can have, but only 5 can be connected at any one time.
Please review the rules 'help rules' to refresh your memory
on this policy.
*Oct 1 2019
* Some new functionality has been added. 2 new commands
lastgos and lasttel -- use help to find out about these
fancy new commands.
*World Teleport spell is now available to Sorcerer types
with scrolls available soon in the magic stores.
*Sept 14 2019
*Issues should be resolved. If anything looks abnormal, let us know.
*Sept 13 2019 *update*
*Fiery was moved to a new, more current server. still some issues
that need working out. if you find anything major email
email chinok@@fierymud.org.
current issues are
* Thanos snapped the shop-keepers away, if the see their multicolor lights
fading away, please be respectful
* a few items that have certain affects attached to them are not working.
--- Chinok
*July 10 2019
*Fierymud in-game help system is now WEB SEARCHABLE on the website!
go to http://www.fierymud.org/help -- much easier search formats
no _ or order of search probelms. Also matches partial words IE:
searching for est -- also matches quest test rest rested ....
--- Chinok
*February 16 2019
* Fierymud.org domain renewed for another 7 years. High probability it
will be here well past then. It will only shut-down if people stop
* IF someone wanted, they could paypal a few bucks to
chinok@@fierymud.org. Domain renewal was $148.
*July 18 2018
* Scheduled downtime for system updates && maintenance. Downtime will
start 7:00 pm EST Saturday, July 21, and return to service sometime
Sunday, July 22.
--- Chinok
*April 18 2017
* Anyone that tells me (or any other God) they have read the news,
will receive any item they desire, (level appropriate). Proving a
point...Offer ends Thursday April 20 at midnight, EST
anyone caught abusing, gets half-leveled (ie: tell 2 different Gods)
--- Chinok
*April 16 2017
* Some changes in our current host have me unhappy. I've secured
a new server, and have everything loaded up and working. Thanks
to the couple of you have have tested.
**Main take away here-- server will be moving at 10PM EST tonight,
and that will be accompanied by a massive 10 minutes of downtime.
I know that's the longest fiery has been donwn in years, but dont
dont fret, we will be back up soon.
***please let me know if anything does not seem to work right after
the move. Email chinok@@fierymud.org is easiest way to make sure
I see any report.
---May all your quests end in fiery, dragon based death.
*April 30 2015
* Some server issues may have bounced and trounced you over the last
few days. The host has confirmed everything is back up and good
to go. May all your quests end in fiery, dragon based death.
---Die well;
*September 25, 2014
*Just in case anyone is worried, Fiery is patched against Shellshock
--- That is all
*May 1, 2014
*Fiery is all up, web, mail, mudd, all of it is good.
--- Thanks for your patience
*April 28, 2014
*Fiery is up, BASE website is up (forums isn't quite ready yet) so enjoy.
The reset will be worked out over the next few days. If you find anything
broke with the mudd, please report via MUDMAIL. I will let everyone
know when the website and other services are up and done.
--- Thanks for your patience
*April 18, 2014
*Fiery has been running on a 32 bit outdated server OS for about 2 years.
We will need to update the server to a current version, 64 bit OS.
Unfortunatly, that means some downtime to upgrade. We are looking at the
weekend of April 26-27 for the upgrade. This will take us some time, but
NOTHING will be lost, and it should provide some performance gains
(less lag). This is one of those things we must do, so just be prepared
for it, and don't freak out when you see firey down the weekend of
the 26-27.
---- Chinok
*February 1, 2014
*The Resurrection spell can now be quested for in-game. Any Clerics,
Priests, or Diabolists ready to quest for resurrect should seek out Norisent
in the Cathedral of Betrayal.
*November 27, 2013
*Happy Thanksgiving 2013 everyone. Thanksgiving Quests
will start BLACK-FRIDAY, at 8:00 PM EST. Dont be LATE!!
---- Chinok
*October 28, 2013
*Check out the website. There's a new 'Connect NOW!' button
at the top of the screen that will connect you to our flash
based MUDD client. It has support for aliases and triggers,
but make sure you save them, as it don't keep up with them
itself. but you can play from work now! :)
I'm working on a help page for the client, but I think most
of you can figure it out. As always, let me know if you have
questions, forum, email, or mudmail.
---- Chinok
*October 9, 2013
*Fall has fallen, and forced changes in the Blue-Fog Area.
The region has been rebalanced to have more consistant
difficulties more managable compostions, and some new mobs.
The new levels are:
trail: 30-45
river 40-60
mountain 55-80
Let us know if you see anything that don't look right
*April 11, 2013
*Just in time for spring Fashions...
All of the Phase 3 Armor quest items (but 3) have been updated,
some major, some minor. To help you get the newest versions
of these armors, as well as any other updated items
(like the monocle), search out Tr'ven, he has set up shop
in Mielikki.
*If there's a piece of quest armor you have earned, but you just
can't tell where it ran off to, contact Ramah via mudmail, and
he will help you out. Before you decide to cheat, yes, he
can tell if you've earned it :)
---Chinok & Ramah
*March 29, 2013
* Monks have been slightly tweeked. Overall, their damange was
increased, but you may notice a little less damage at lower
levels. Let us know if something don't look right. Yuhen
wants to see monks hit 6 time per round, (at less damage
of course) so this tweeking might not be done just yet.
* Trainers now have their own rooms in Mielikki, you may have to
search them out, but it's worth the trouble.
*March 22, 2013
Skill trainers are now available around the town of Mielikki.
These profesional trainers will take a few of your hard earned
platinum, to help you increase your skills. Of course they wont
allow you to increase your skill past your level, but it might be
easier than backstabbing 5000 bugs.
--Let us know if there are any issues with them
*August 04, 2012
A ranger has been added to Morgan Hill, to help save newbies
under level 10. We haven't had a lot of newbies to save lately,
so I thought it important to save the ones we have.
--Happy Mudding
*July 20, 2012
A few new items have been added to the website. There is now a
stats page that shows who's been logged in recently. There's
also the famous death counts, always fun to look at. The death
counts are always current up to the last game reset, and the logins
are updated every 5 minutes.
--Also, NEWS that's posted here, automatically shows up on the website
now. So you can see game updates in both places!
--- Hope you enjoy!
--- Chinok
*July 17, 2012
The retirement of Fierymud may have been greatly exaggerated.
We.re back, on a new server, and will continue to run as long
as I can support it. We have some new features planned that
I hope you will enjoy as well. So please keep playing, and
remind your friends we are still here, and they should
come join us.
* June 30, 2012
Thank you all for playing and helping with FieryMUD over the decades
that she has been running. It has been immeasurebly fun over the
years but my time for the mud has come and gone. I have offered the
code and parts of FieryMUD to each of the people subscribing to the
gods email list and stated that if one of them choses to run the mud
I would not object. The time for my retirement has come at last.
I've not set a date yet, but I suspect that the 28th of July will be
the last day I host the FieryMUD systems. If one of the gods steps
up and claims that they want to host the mud, I'll post more detals.
Thank you all again, and may you slay many dragons.
- Zzur
* May 22, 2012
o The terrain type Cave has been implemented. This should enable
many spells that were wrongly disabled underground previously.
~~~~~~~ FieryMUD News ~~~~~~~
* May 22, 2012
o The terrain type “Cave” has been implemented. This should enable
many spells that were wrongly disabled underground previously.
o Some poorly balanced mobs and items have been adjusted in:
* Ice Cult
- The entrance of the area has been made less lowbee friendly,
to better reflect it's intended level.
* Frost Valley
- The area should be more manageable at it’s intended level.
- A few items in this area have been upgraded to fit the
difficulty level.
* Cathedral of Betrayal
o Abbey’s key’s are back where they aught to be.
o The Logging Camp quest should be online now.
o Some items in the world have been adjusted to be more appropriate
at their level. Keep an eye out for these changes. Carry identify
- Yuhen
* March 28, 2012
o Logging Camp (15-20) has had some repairs.
o Some smaller fixes:
- Abbey items loading in incorrect places.
- Lav Lab has been fixed, the ring of souls is now accessible.
- The Paladin/Priest Quest have been repaired.
- A few Mobs had become a little too hard to with the 2H weapons
update, and some of them have been softened a bit.
- Ramah
* March 2, 2012
o Logging Camp (15-20) has actually been added.
o Some smaller fixes:
- Minor Item balancing
- A few items and mobs have been adjusted to be more balanced
in terms of area difficulty.
o The ring of souls has new stats and effects, as well as being
more heavily guarded. (lab lav)
o Cathedral of Betrayal and Fiery Island had some adjustments to
be more level appropriate.
o The ball and chain has been added as a limited item in the
weapon shop of Ogahk.
- Yuhen
* February 8, 2012
o A new area has just been added bridging the Great Road and
Nikozian Trail: Logging Camp (15-20)
- Logging Camp is primerily good-neutral aligned.
- The Camp itself has some shops selling goods useful for
lumberjacks, explorers, or those lacking is supplies otherwise
purchased in town.
- As a side perk, with this area in-game a previously-missing
piece to the Hermits instructions is now available for the Rhell
Forest quest.
o Several objects in the world have been updated:
- 2H weapons at all levels have been updated to produce viable
- Many hard-to-get items that were previously not very valuable,
have been updated. Updated areas include:
* Fiery Island, Griffin, Cathedral of Betrayal, Barrow.
- A few items have been adjusted to be more balanced in terms of
item level, stats and area difficulty.
- Yuhen
* January 25, 2012
o A bug was fixed where backstab was performing crushing damage
instead of piercing damage.
* January 9, 2012
o A few items have just been updated:
- The merchant in Rhell Forest (between twisted and blue fog)
now has a dynamic quest available.
- The druids quest in Twisted Forest is back online.
- A few fixes to Rhell Forest and Sacred Haven have been made.
- Yuhen
* January 3, 2012
o A new area, the The Rhell Forest is out in the Twisted Forest
and connects to Blue Fog. Levels 45-55, I hope you all get
killed many times. - Zzur
* October 10, 2011
o The limit of only having two characters on at once has been
suspended until such time that FieryMUD has a huge player-
base again. Since I suspect that text based RPG's glory days
have passed, this may well be permenant. I hope you all find
more enjoyment with the mud. - Zzur
* April 3, 2011
- New Area: Split Skull
This area is an evil village that is set in opposition to the
abbey by the Black Legion. To combat their influence the
Eldorian court has dispatched an Emissary to the Abbey as well.
Players 8 to 20 are encouraged to take sides in the fight.
If you are good, go help raid the new zone!
- Split Skull is north of the Enchanted Hollow, but beware it has
an entrance into the Mystwatch swamps where it all seems to look
the same. The rangers have yet to make it over to protect that
- I believe Split Skull is production ready, but it was so long
in development and so rarely worked on there may be tons of
holes the quests and play. Let us know what you find if stuff
doesn't work.
* March 18, 2011
- FieryMUD is now running on new hardware. Technical difficulties
may occur, but we will work hard to minimize any inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience.
* July 2, 2010
- Shrynn, Lord of the Air, now wields a fearsome new stick. You
are warned.
* June 25, 2010
- The bulletin board has been archived. Old posts may now be read
in the Templar Magistrate's room northwest of the Mielikki Town
* July 17, 2009
- The Paladin phase 3 armor quest has been moved from the Knight
Errant to Belward in Sacred Haven.
* July 14, 2009
Quest announcement! The Fiery Triathlon starts this Saturday
night (July 18) at 8:00 PM EST and culminates next Saturday night
(July 25) at 8:00 PM. It will consist of three speed leveling
challenges. Participants will compete using new characters to
attempt to be named Fiery's fastest!
All participants will receive rewards and winners will receive
their choice from a set of predetermined quest equipment or
permanent stat increases on one of their characters.
There are no other requirements to play; players new and old can
participate and have fun in this quest! See the player bulletin
board for rules, prizes, and more information.
* July 13, 2009
- Creatures with a magic life force will have a (magic)
flag when detect magic is active.
- Recent victims of throatcut will suffer from difficulty
casting for a short amount of time.
- Gaining a level will now heal to full.
- The listings from the memorize and pray commands has been
tweaked to be more compact. Opinions welcome!
* June 20, 2009
- Help files for spells and skills have been updated to
present more information in a standardized way!
* June 10, 2009
- Prompts can now display cooldowns for various skills,
such as lay hands, shapechange, and throatcut. See
&bhelp prompt&0 for a complete list or try &bdisplay 9&0 to
see the first aid cooldown in action.
- Clans have been completely reimplemented. They mostly
work the same, but the clan command should be somewhat
easier to use. Also, certain events are now broadcast
to members of the clan, such as level-ups and deaths.
- The amount of damage that breath attacks inflict has
been decreased by about 40%.
* March 21, 2009
- Pyromancers have new spells:
* Detonation
* Phosphoric embers
* Positive field
* Acid burst
The spells combust and heatwave have been retired.
- Cryomancers get the waterwalk spell in circle 1.
- The soul tap spell now has a slow, life-draining effect.
- Bulletin boards have received a complete makeover. One
note: you must now type 'write board
- You can get a specific amount of items:
> get 4 bread
> get 3 gem 2.bag
* March 17, 2009
- The 'spells' command has been improved.
- Some objects won't fall.
* March 13, 2009
- The detect poison spell now works more like detect magic,
giving a person the ability to detect poison for a while.
- First aid has been made more useful.
- Most fluid or non-corporeal creatures won't leave behind
a corpse when killed.
- The exits and scan commands were tweaked a bit.
* February 4, 2009
- After using summon mount, (Anti-)Paladins won't have to wait
a week to summon a new one; the cooldown is now 12 hours
since the mount is lost.
- The guard skill now works on NPCs.
- New emote's command lets you do stuff like:
> emote's arms flail wildly as he falls over!
<> Laochan's arms flail wildly as he falls over!
- Damage amounts now visible for damage done by soulshield,
fireshield, and coldshield.
- Creatures that armor themselves magically will no longer
manage to get -2000 ac and be unhittable. *yay*
- Fixed numerous minor bugs.
* September 20, 2008
- Anti-Paladins have uncovered the secrets of the Dark Presence spell.
- The consider command has been improved somewhat.
- The Comprehend Language spell has been removed.
* September 14, 2008
- Cryomancers have lost the ability to cast vaporform.
- Waterform has become a quest spell.
* September 10, 2008
- Odaishyozen has been touched up a bit. See if you can find
the new items!
* September 7, 2008
- Equipment used to become weightless when you wore it. Now it
will continue to have weight. This will disrupt some folks'
carefully apportioned kits, so the weight limit has been increased
- Objects will now generally disappear from the game if left
unattended for too long. Basically, if a player handles something
and then gets rid of it, OR if an object falls to the ground from
a decomposing corpse, it will disappear after a while.
Also, player corpses will take even longer to decompose.
- When you're very close to your weight limit, you'll be too
heavy to fly.
* August 31, 2008
- The towns of Mielikki, Anduin, and Ickle won't tolerate evil
pets any more, and the guards will attack them on sight.
Necromancers especially should take care.
- Town guards are more protective of players and will help them
out in a fight, instead of taking the NPC's side like they used
to do. There is an exception: if you're fighting a guard or
other valued townsperson, the guards WILL still attack you.
- The new toggles have been renamed ExpandObjs and ExpandMobs.
* August 30, 2008
- The StackObjs and StackMobs toggles can now be used to control
whether you see multiples of the same object or mobile on a
single line when you look in a room, a container, or your inventory.
- The 'abandon' command allows you to leave behind folks who are
following you.
* August 24, 2008
- Adventurers may be excited to learn that a way exists into
Technitzitlan that doesn't involve falling. Good luck finding it.
- NPCs won't have unlimited spells any longer.
* August 21, 2008
- According to word of mouth, a new resort up north has opened
its doors to the public! Phoenix Feather Hot Springs should be
a good challenge for those of you in the 55-60 range.
- There is no longer a damage type of "magic". The magic missile
spell now does piercing damage. Bigby's Fist does crushing damage
and disintegrate does acid damage.
* August 17, 2008
- You can edit your description in the game with the 'desc' command.
- By player suggested idea your trophy will clear when you die,
unless you're questing. This was a good idea submitted long ago
but we're going through them all and going to give each its due.
Some quests require you to get a list of creatures on your trophy.
Gods who assign quests are responsible for marking players as
'questing' or not.
* August 16, 2008
- A hundred or so player submitted ideas have been addressed
and the responses are in the forums. These ideas span all
the way back to the first week this current version of the
code was active.
* August 12, 2008
- Some sorcerer single-target attack spells were recalibrated.
- NPCs are affected by laryngitis. This sad affliction has
descended upon them due to the corruption of the Necromancer
class by nefarious agents.
* August 10, 2008
- Due to insufficient demand, the weapon slinging feature has
been retired.
- The operation of the sense life spell has changed. Our
long-time players may recognize its behavior being very close
to the original spell. In keeping with the concept of life
forces, it now depends on the susceptibility to healing magic.
As a result, purely magical creatures cannot be sensed with
this spell.
- Heatwave and Cone of Cold was fixed. You'll have to discover
that that means.
* April 17, 2008
- Hitroll and Armor Class points are now individually significant.
Previously, you had to roll over the 10s digit to gain any
benifit - for example, 19 was no better than 10. Now every
point counts.
* April 12, 2008
- The AUTOTREAS toggle can be used to merely loot treasure,
such as coins and gems, from your kills.
* April 4, 2008
- The split command now randomly chooses who gets
the 'leftovers'.
- There are two new toggles: autoloot and autosplit.
- The movement point cost for using the disarm skill
has been changed.
- Bashed mobs will stay down a bit longer.
* March 28, 2008
- When you are in a fluid state due to the Waterform or
Vaporform spell, you won't be able to pick up or accept
- Creatures are resistant to various types of damage
according to their composition. For example, ice creatures
will be immune to cold, but vulnerable to crushing. See
HELP COMPOSITION for more information.
- Creatures are also vulnerable to certain attacks according
to their life force. See HELP LIFE FORCE for more
- Spectres, ghosts, and other creatures with no physical
form are generally invulnerable to physical attacks.
However, the bless and dark presence spells can help
fighters destroy these beings. See HELP BLESS and
- The above changes represent a major change to Fiery's
combat system, so rebalancing is likely. Please use the
BUG or PETITION commands if you see any inconsistencies
or imablances.
* March 11, 2008
- With the NoClanTell toggle, you can suppress messages from your
clan channel.
* February 11, 2008
- There's a new toggle: nohint. You can use it to choose whether
to get the names of similar commands when you enter a typo or
nonexistent command.
- Did you know that most of the subclass quests were broken?
Well, they got fixed.
- Hide was acting up too. It got fixed.
- Deities will be able to "hotboot" the mud so that it restarts
without disconnecting everyone. Other than that, it will be
like a normal reboot.
* February 5, 2008
- Scavenger mobs have been fixed.
- Players can now be assigned several titles for their good
(or nefarious) deeds. You can choose which of your titles to
display at any time.
* January 26, 2008
- Area Updates:
o A couple of the Eldoria quests were repaired.
o A large number of phase armor quests that were broken should
be functional now. Post in the forums if they are not.
o Princess Signess shouldn't hide anymore.
* January 21, 2008
- You can drag incapacitated players who have consented you.
- Spellcasters won't receive skills they can't use.
- Observations made using infravision are more detailed.
- The "attributes" command now shows unmodified HP and MV.
- Quite a number of scripts and quests have been updated to take
advantage of some code improvements. Let us know if any of
them cease working.
- Some mobs (like assassin and warriors) will now fight back using
various skills, like kick and hitall. Look out for thieves with loose
hands too. Also, spellcasters will now cast spells more specific to
their class too.
- The exp bar will now appear on your score, and also displays your
progress to the next level with greater precision. The * shows
your overall progress towards the next level, and the = marks
show your progress between * gradations.
- You can use the 'aggr' command to make yourself aggressive, and
to preemptively attack mobiles that would attack you.
* December 25, 2007
- Merry Christmas!! and a Ho Ho Ho!!
- There was a bug that prevented says from being seen by other
players in the room with you. This has been fixed.
- Some bug associated with fly has been fixed.
- There was an error in weight calculations that allowed players
carrying so much weight they would be crushed to be able to move
around still.. fixed!
- The armor bug has been fixed and should actually help your AC
instead of making it worse.
* December 24, 2007
- Merry Christmas!!
- Clans have been redesigned from scratch, and should eliminate
some of the previously experienced bugs. Some snazzy new
features have been introduced with the new design, including
descriptions, alts, and the ability to enroll, promote, demote,
or expel someone when they aren't even online! See 'help clan'
for more info.
- The score command now almost always shows the numbers behind the
descriptive text, even for newbies. Some of the descriptive
messages have changed to be shorter (current load) or more
accurate (exp progress). Some of these changes also affect the
attributes command.
- Several new command codes are available for prompt, including
hiddenness, alignment, your name, exp, and active spells! See
'help prompt' for descriptions of each code.
- Or if you're too lazy to figure that all out, try one of the
two new preset displays (just type 'display' to see them).
They show alignment, hiddenness, exp to the next level, and
active spells.
* December 10, 2007
- Transient objects should behave better once picked up.
- Numerous long standing crash bugs fixed.
- Instakill will now have a chance to improve skill on failure.
- Steal will have a slightly better chance of success if hidden.
- Changes to the open command! For the long history of FieryMud
if ever there was a container and a door in the same room a
player would always try to open the container and be frustrated
just trying to find the door. This how now been fixed! If you
state open
trick is stating the direction will now always ignore
containers and other objects.
- The automatic reboot times of the mud, introduced to give
players a fresh mud to hunt in from time to time, has been
- Rumor has it, carrying capacity was tweaked a little to
increase it. But not for Ehlissa.
- Spellcasting will abort nearly instantly if the target of
the spell disappears for some reason.
- Damage caused by low level sorcerous creatures (NPCs) has been
reduced to be inline with melee damage. (Wait, what? oh
man why we so nice? -Zzur)
- Fixed "some" damage oriented spells that weren't
properly calculating damage.
* October 25, 2007
- The behavior of hide and sneak has changed.
Players, mobs, and objects now have "hide points,"
reflecting how hidden someone or something is. If
this number is lower than your perception stat, you
will be able to see it. The search command will
remove hide points from hidden objects. Also, if
you are hiding, you are now automatically sneaking.
- If you know the name of a hidden door, you can
type "search
- Monks have some new chants, three of which you
may quest for.
- Druids will no longer be randomly kicked out of their
shapechanges, but will return to their normal form if
idle for too long.
- Druids can now be able to use OOC communication
as themselves while shapechanged.
- Toggles are now available while shapechanged.
- Instead of crumbling when you remove them,
"transient" items will now crumble when left on the
ground. Expect some newbie items and keys to be
marked transient.
- Summon will now find the closest target to the caster.
- Many communication and information commands
will now be usable while meditating, casting, and
- The compare command can be used to help decide
which of two objects is better than the other.
- We decided to stop dropping newbies into a bottomless chasm.
- You can set your hometown (the place word of recall takes
you) by touching certain artifacts in Mielikki, Ickle,
Anduin, and Ogakh.
* September 15, 2007
- We've moved a few of our newbie areas nearer to
the Forest Village of Mielikki.
- The rent limit has been abolished, although
carrying capacity for some of our stronger
characters has been lowered.
- Single-target attack spells for Sorcerers,
Pyromancers, and Cryomancers have been beefed up.
- Thieves get double attack at level 75, and
mercenaries get dual wield at level 15.
- Thieves have a new ability: identify. Well
actually everyone has it, but only thieves are
any good at it.
- Druids can now specify an animal job to shapechange into:
tank, damager, tracker, or travel. Additionally, there is
now a set of fish species available when in the water.
See help shapechange for more information.
- Invigorate is now a group spell.
- Farsee now helps you scan farther.
- Natures embrace now allows druids to freely move around
outdoors while still hidden from view.
* August 20, 2007
- The abort command will allow you to prematurely
end a spell cast.
- Circle of fire will now do damage both on the way
into and out of a room, as the helpfile reports.
- A stadium-style PK arena is now open at the
Festival Grounds in Upper Anduin. Yes, you read
that correctly.
- The locate object spell is back. All sorcerer
classes receive it. Wands and scrolls of locate
object may also be found across the realm.
- Skilled warriors and mercenaries can carefully
concert their combat movements to control their
escape from battle using the retreat skill. Mercenaries
can direct an orderly retreat of an entire group using
group retreat.
- Monks may now train to springleap their opponents,
potentially knocking them over.
- Especially skilled rogues and monks can corner their
opponents, preventing them from fleeing.
- With a little bit of effort, industrious rogues and
thieves can conceal items in the room. They may
also be able to conceal their interactions with items
through the stow and palm commands.
- Rogues and assassins have the ability to discretely
follow their targets, shadowing their movements.
- Skilled rogues and thieves may reach new levels
of sneakiness with the stealth skill.
- Druids have a new spell, moonbeam, in circle 3.
- We have new socials: flanic, glomp, mumble, twitch,
beckon, and glower.
- Many creatures across the realm have received their
due elemental immunities. Fire won't harm fire
elementals, cold won't hurt ice golems, and so forth.
- Excessive talking, gossiping, and other communicating
will result in laryngitis.
* July 29, 2007
- Mounts are now available to all levels - just
don't expect to be able to control anything
particularly powerful at level 1.
- Pets, including purchased and summoned
mounts, will leave the game when their master
attacks them or leaves the game.
- Ehlissa's singing won't be able to crash the
mud anymore.
- The douse spell is now called extinguish.
- Word of command no longer causes mobs to
attack you when the spell succeeds.
- The banish spell has had a complete rewrite,
and should be more useful.
- Dispel magic can now make invisible items visible.
- Wizard eye now works on NPCs.
* June 24, 2007
- The track skill works more sensibly.
- You must now find a guildmaster within your
class/subclass group in order to level gain.
- Plus several world fixes!
* May 20, 2007
- Rogues once again have the eye gouge skill.
- The color spray spell has been overhauled to be
cooler and more useful.
- You can now use stabbing and stinging weapons for
- Your prompt is now customizable! See help prompt
for details.
- The quest system has had extensive background
changes. Please let us know if there are any problems.
- The commands command is back.
- The demonic mutation spell works now.
- A new spell is available to cryomancers via questing.
* March 28, 2007
- SEVERAL minor fixes across the realm.
- Innate command has been tidied up.
- Minor spell fixes and improvements.
- Summon mount now depends on your level and alignment.
- Some skills may improve faster now.
* Febuary 20, 2007
- Some adjustments to the Frost Elf tower. You
should check it out.
- Sorcerers get a new spell in circle 8: harness.
- Waterform and ice armor got tweaked a little.
- Pyromancers are losing firewalk and greater
firewalk, but gaining two new spells, combust
and cremate.
- Spells like entangle and minor paralysis shouldn't
start combat if you're successful now.
- Rain will now put out circle of fire.
- Save spell will now actually make a difference.
- Dimension door has been repaired.
- Protection from evil now protects you from evil.
- The freeze spell has been repaired.
- Harm and full harm have been boosted a little.
- Negate heat and negate cold will now work as
advertised all the time.
- Identify shows the capacity of containers.